Michael Swanwick

hbk: Avon, (New York) US, 1997
pbk: ?

ISBN 0-38097-444-4 (US hbk)

novel, science fiction, cyberpunk, Faust, Mephistopheles, devil

A new variation on the 'Faust' theme. Nominated for the British Science Fiction Association Award for Best Novel.

"" [jacket blurb, UK hbk, 1997]

*note: I'll add the jacket blurb as soon as I have a copy of the book.

"The novel opens in Wittenburg, Germany at the turn of an unspecified century. Johannes Faust, teacher, scholar, and seeker after enlightenment, is burning his library, book by book. Convinced that the works of even the most advanced thinkers of the era are riddled with nonsense and inaccuracies, he now looks in other, less conventional directions for answers to the universal mysteries. At the height of his despair, he opens himself up to whatever dark forces might lie behind the veil of the visible world, offering himself, body and soul, in exchange for 'The Truth'. His prayers are answered by the sudden appearance of a malign entity called (of course) Mephistopheles." --Bill Sheehan (in Nava Express , Volume 4, Number 4, Winter/Spring 1998).

"Can't afford the hardcover (hint, hint), so no review yet. The Faust legend holds a great deal of interest for me and I'm really looking forward to reading this version.
"This book has been getting some good reviews (There really should be a 'Faust' website, or, is there?)." --Henry W.Targowski (in Mark/Space , December 1997).

Additional Links

*note: Please inform me of any online reviews (include URL, page Title, Author, and brief Description).

Of Related Interest

  • CyberCulture
  • Cyberpunk
  • Future
  • Metaphysics / Cosmology
  • Postmodern
  • Psychedelics / Altered States
  • Science Fiction
  • Slipstream

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