Diana Graziunas

illustrator, author, science fiction, cyberpunk

"Born thirty-seven years ago in the mythic borough of Brooklyn, New York, Diana survived many years of parochial schooling with seemingly few ill effects. She followed up a short stint at Queens College with a short marriage.

"Things began looking up from then on. She was graduated from the School of Visual Arts (illustration department) in 1977, a year after she and Jim [Starlin] became thick as thieves, and after years of trying to make pictures together they now write. (A good thing too, since his pictures were about death and violence, hers about sex. In writing they happily manage to encompass all three.)

"Jim and Diana live in a small town in upstate New York in the Catskills, with a pantheon of three cats named Electra, Oedipuss, and Medusa". [publisher's bumpf, Among Madmen , 1990]

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